Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rodeo and Roller Skating :)

I love the rodeo! It is one of my most favorite things to do! My dad and I go every year and the last couple of years we have added the fam to our tradition. Cash slept through it last year but this year he actually watched. It was so cute, his jaw was dropped in amazement when the girls rode in on their horses and did their little drills. I tried to get a pic but he saw me and wouldn't do it again. We have so much fun. My dad and I get into it. At one point during barrel racing, I looked over at my dad and he couldn't even clap because he was watching so hard! :) I LOVE THE RODEO! Afterwards, Sach and I went to the beer barn and danced! I love to dance to country music! I think we're pretty good together. :)

Needless to say, we drank a few beers and Sach got the bright idea to gather up some friends and go skating. Just a word to the wise: Never drink and skate. I'm a terrible skater so I'm pretty sore today from falling on my butt so much! Juli kept her skates on long enough to go around the rink once. Kristen was a pro! She lapped us like 5 times. Wade is probably hurting today, he wiped out a few times. Skating for Sach is like putting on another pair of shoes. He could live on skates. And Daniel is the same way. I added some pics from the rink :)
Chelsea in skates, not an everyday site :)
(Daniel in the background)

Juli had already ditched the skate by now

"Why am I doing this again?"

She held the rail the WHOLE time! :)

I was hurting so bad!

Thanks for hanging Juli, Kristen, Wade and Daniel! We had fun! :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hobbled Lexington :(

My mom has informed me that Lexi has dislocated her hip again. For those of you who don't know, Lexi is our Maltese that we've had since I was a junior in high school. She lives with my mom in Dallas. Maltese's are known for having bad joints when they get older, and Lexi is living up to the standards. My mom tells me she's getting along fine with the 3 legs :) I'd really like to see that! There have been many fun times with Lexi. Ashley used to spoil her and hold her milk bones for her when she ate them. I believe Ash is the one who gave her the nickname "Lexington." She has a personality all her own. Lexi can be sweet and fun to play with but she can be a little "b" as well. She's a very spoiled pooch and has a mean bite if you get on her bad side, my mom has the scars to prove it. [ Just for the record: my dad and I have nothing to do with her attitude! :) ] I just thought I'd update those of you who know the little member of the Stinnett fam. :)

On another note, please pray for my mom. She's having some hard time and needs some "higher" encouragement. She has also applied for a 3rd grade teaching position at a private school in Dallas. We really hope she gets the job! I love you mom! and things will work out! Promise!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The "Feel Better" Train is a chuggin!

So, I'm feeling sooo much better. I think I must have gotten a bug amongst all my other sickness and that's what was making me feel terrible! I had a 4-hour episode of pure misery and awoke the next day a new woman! :) I hate that I had to miss work but it was definitely needed. I have begun taking my antibiotics again to fight the infection that was there to begin with and I'm surely on the "feel better" track. My cousin, I hear, had the same symptoms as me and it took about the same amount of time to get over it. I would not wish what I endured on my worst enemy. I'm so happy to be feeling better!
On another note, Sach took me to look at engagement rings today!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) Can you feel my excitement?! He is so worried he might get me something I don't like. We found a setting I really liked today. All he needs is the setting because my mom gave him her engagement diamond that my dad had given her years ago. I love that my diamond will be so special! I think my dad's pretty happy about it too! All that is left is for Sach to ask my dad so he can get the ring because my mother gave the ring to my dad to put in his safe. Pretty sneaky way of making sure Sach gets the approval first ;) not that he wouldn't though. I'm excited!!! I told Sach he is not to tell me anymore of the engagement madness! I want to be surprised! I didn't think those words would ever come out of my mouth! I hate surprises, but I really want to be surprised on this one. :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feelin sickly...

So I've been in the dumps for a week now. It all started with a sore throat. I went to the doctor on Monday and got an antibiotic and some allegra, bad move. The medicine has started a week of nausea and vomiting! I only took the antibiotic once to learn that didn't agree but the allegra I took twice and it was terrible. I have now been off meds for 2 days with no relief. I have continued to be nauseated and feel crappy! I was sent home from work today because my co-workers said I just wasn't myself, but the doctor gave me some nausea meds before I left thank goodness! I have not been sick today, thankfully. Prego? one might ask, not even. That is not an option. Please keep me in your prayers and hopefully this will past soon. Sach is totoally immune to everything I have thank the Lord!
Also please pray for Sach. He is going to be applying to school soon and he is apprehensive. I know he can be great at whatever he decides to do. Hope everyone is doing well. Love you all!

Hockey weekend once again

This past weekend we went to Dallas for a hockey tournament. My mom and Johnny T got to come and watch Sach play for the first time. His team did very good but lost their last game to the team they always lose to! They were so tired by that last game, but they played their hearts out. Sach walked funny for a few days afterwards. I've posted a video of Sach (#3) assisting on a goal. It's pretty exciting to watch. I never thought I'd like watching hockey as much as I do. :) I think it's cause the players are so cute, or one in paticular! :)

Good job San Angelo Aces! Better luck next month! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mason Update...

Mason is growing and changing daily. he went for his 2 week check up yesterday. I can't believe it's been 2 weeks! He still weighs 9 lbs 11oz. and Cas thinks he has reflux like Cash did. The doctor gave her some new formula to try and we'll see how it works. I love to watch babies change. It happens so fast! :) I've included some pics of me and the boys and Nana and Mason. Cassie is doing great! I don't know how she manages a newborn and a 1 year old! She's wonder woman! :)

Cash was just waving at his brother :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ode to Juli....

My friend Juli has joined the grown up world and moved into a new house. She has been my neighbor for over 2 years and lived a couple blocks away before that. Our friendship started years ago when we were little kids and she lived down the street from my best friend Ashley. Ashley be-friended her and so I did too of course. We were in "The Music Man" play at the high school when I was in 5th grade and she was in 6th grade. We were friends through Jr High and she drove Ash and I home from school in high school. We rekindled our friendship in college and have been great friends since. She is one of the few friends who still keeps in touch with me. I wouldn't be living where I am if Juli hadn't lived next door. I helped her finish moving this last weekend into her new house and I have to say she is very much missed!! I loved when I'd hear her say "HI!!" before I could even see her and I could always walk next door to talk if I needed to. She kept me in touch with friends when she would have FPT (front porch time) at her house and everyone would come over. I loved her hand me down clothes. She kept my drawers full of comfy sleep pants when they'd shrink and be too small for her. (She's pretty tall) :) She let me borrow measuring cups (I still have it BTW) and seasoning when I would cook and she used to join me for dinner so I didn't have to cook for one. I just wanted to post this so she knows she is missed and is always welcome to stop by whenever she wants! Love ya Julz!

There are other better pics I would have liked to post but they are not saved to a cd :( You get the point though :)