I love the rodeo! It is one of my most favorite things to do! My dad and I go every year and the last couple of years we have added the fam to our tradition. Cash slept through it last year but this year he actually watched. It was so cute, his jaw was dropped in amazement when the girls rode in on their horses and did their little drills. I tried to get a pic but he saw me and wouldn't do it again. We have so much fun. My dad and I get into it. At one point during barrel racing, I looked over at my dad and he couldn't even clap because he was watching so hard! :) I LOVE THE RODEO! Afterwards, Sach and I went to the beer barn and danced! I love to dance to country music! I think we're pretty good together. :)

Needless to say, we drank a few beers and Sach got the bright idea to gather up some friends and go skating. Just a word to the wise: Never drink and skate. I'm a terrible skater so I'm pretty sore today from falling on my butt so much! Juli kept her skates on long enough to go around the rink once. Kristen was a pro! She lapped us like 5 times. Wade is probably hurting today, he wiped out a few times. Skating for Sach is like putting on another pair of shoes. He could live on skates. And Daniel is the same way. I added some pics from the rink :)
Chelsea in skates, not an everyday site :)
(Daniel in the background)

Juli had already ditched the skate by now

"Why am I doing this again?"

She held the rail the WHOLE time! :)

I was hurting so bad!

Thanks for hanging Juli, Kristen, Wade and Daniel! We had fun! :)