Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Spirit

Oh how I love Christmas! I love the smells and all the colors and lights! Sach and I recently put up our first tree! I have never had my own tree in my adult life and neither has Sach. I have to say, I think we did an OK job. Maybe it was the Christmas CDs that we bought to listen to while we decorated. Target has some great Christmas CDs and they're cheap! (my favorite!) All the years of helping my mom put up our tree paid off, Thank you Mom! :) I love coming home and turning on tree lights! There is something about lights on a tree that just make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)

Our first tree!
Please excuse the Elmo book in the basket, that's my nephews' book basket ;)

I am now 26 weeks preggo. I had a checkup on Monday and all was good. Sach went with me and got to hear the heart beat. I did get a warning to watch the weight gain. I like to think it was the holidays that did me in. I'm a sucker for pecan pie and my mom made me one the week before that we have munched on throughout the week. Yes, that's what it was (hopefully :/ ). I had to work on Thanksgiving but that didn't stop the food splurge. We all brought wonderfully awful food to much on throughout the day. Sach even brought me home some leftovers from his family get together. Thanksgiving food is great!!

So let the after holidays vegetable binge begin! The belly continues to grow and I think any day now my belly button is going to give in and pop out! I used to have the best belly button that was small and deep and now it's huge and VERY shallow! Does it ever go back to normal? Still 14 more weeks to go and I think I'm huge now! I can't imagine how big this thing is going to get :)

24 weeks

25 weeks

Sach and I met with our Pediatric Nurse Practitioner this week as well and we like her alot! I met her while she was doing her ER rotation and thought she was pretty smart and I've heard nothing but good things since she started practicing. My best friend's sister is her nurse so that helps as well. I feel more comfortable knowing who's taking care of my kid.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and is enjoying the Christmas season! :)

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